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Top 10 search results for "Interferon" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Does The PEMF Mat Treatment Interfere With Multiple Myeloma?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Thanks to your Dad for his service to our country, Bless his soul!!!

Does Anyone Know If Hearing Aids Interfere With Treatment?!

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

No, hearing aides won't interfere with treatment. They would probably be very beneficial since we can hear what the doctors and nurses are saying. Just have to figure out which ones to get. 💕

Is Resveratrol Considered As A Natural Alternative Dietary Supplement?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Treatments for Myeloma Read Article...
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Yes, resveratrol is considered a natural dietary supplement. However, it's important to consult with your doctor before trying any supplement, as it may have a negative impact on your cancer… read more

Has Anyone Had A History Of Seizures And Confusion With Their Myeloma?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Yes, people with multiple myeloma can experience seizures and confusion. These symptoms can be caused directly by myeloma due to high levels of calcium or abnormal proteins in the blood that interfere… read more

What Has Been Learned About Both Predicting And Then Interfering With An On Coming Relapse?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am 88 years of age and am in my third year of treatment for MM. My understanding is that most patients suffer one or more relapses. I have yet
to experience a relapse and frankly fear this.

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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Thanks BillDodenhoff, Mildred3, and TomDier

Steroid Dose Pack (MethylPrednisolone) And MM

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have a nasty virus and was put on a steroid dose pack and an antibiotic by my regular doctor. Hoping the steroid won't interfere with Revlimid?

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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

I have taken similar antibiotics with Revlimid and had no problems.

My Husband Has Recently Been In The Hospital For Seizures. Can They Be Due To His Myeloma?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Yes, seizures can be associated with multiple myeloma. Myeloma can cause neurological symptoms, including seizures, due to high levels of calcium or abnormal proteins in the blood that interfere with… read more

Why Am I So Tired?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Fatigue is a common symptom in people with multiple myeloma. Here are some potential causes:

1. Anemia: Myeloma cells can interfere with bone marrow function, leading to a shortage of red blood… read more

Does Anyone Take Curcumin As A Supplement?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

I’ve got mm and circumin was recommended as something that could help. Has anyone else tried this?

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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Yes I take it daily. You need to speak with your doctor to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with other medication you have been prescribed
Don’t know if it’s doing any good but I know it’s not… read more

Anybody Been Through Memory Loss? Any Meds That Help This. She Also Has A Bad Issue With Acid Reflux.

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

My mom is 84, just had to have a "be on the lookout" for her and her vehicle. She was found alive on the side of the road several towns away, 8 hours later out of gas. She's had mm for at least 5 years now. Takes revlimid. Currently in hospital for observation and testing. Very confused and mixes up alot of details and locations
Even has tv and phone use issues lately. Nothing like this has ever happened. She had been driving and doing her own shopping, banking, ect. Up til now. He… read more

A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Memory loss and acid reflux can be challenging issues. While the context provided does not specifically address memory loss treatments, it does mention some medications and treatments for… read more