Can You Get A Hickman Catheter Put In Just Using A Local Anesethia?
Willy I have a port under the skin so I can take a hot shower and I can also go for a swim in the lake at our cabin. It’s nice because there is nothing dangling outside your body too get snagged on things.
I know this is an old post but in case people are searching…
I had my Hickman line put in with only local anesthesia and it was painless! No need for a general anesthetic at all. Here in Vancouver BC Canada at Vancouver General Hospital they never use a general for Hickmans. It was fascinating to be awake through the whole thing. I had one surgeon working on me, another surgeon was at the computer screen and the two of them conversed throughout. There were two nurses as well. They used an ultrasound machine to assist the placement - so high tech and utterly amazing. 👍🏻
Can the ladies answer a question about if you can wear a bra after the Hickman is placed?
Mine was on my right side. It was done with local anesthesia and it was painless.
I had one put in and taken out under local anesthesia. It was painless.
Having A Central Line Placed On Friday For My Stem Cell Harvest Next Week. A Little Nervous About The Central Line. Anybody Have It Done?
I Am Getting A Stem Cell Transplant And Will Be Staying In An Apartment For Two Months. What Are Things I Should Bring?
Has Anyone Had A Bone Marrow Transplant? I Am Going This Week To Talk To A New Doctor About The Procedure. I Would Appreciate Any Comments.