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I’ve Tried Melatonin To Help Me Sleep. It Doesn't Really Help Me Sleep Better. Does Anyone Have Any Suggestions For An Alternative?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bonney Lake, WA
February 20
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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

I use my ear buds and meditation tapes to get me into a good sleep. I particularly like Bellaruth Naperstek.

I’m over 65 so Benedryl is off the table as a sleep aid per the ASG Beers List 2023. I’m not willing to risk early cognitive decline.

BTW I’m loving your David Clark headset. Brings back happy memories of my days in the skies.

March 2 (edited)
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

I have taken the prescription Desyrel (trazadone) 50 mg nightly for about 40 years as an experimental drug for another condition. It helped and I am afraid to stop taking it. Works quickly to make me sleepy.

February 22
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Hi Robert, I have no problem falling asleep, I have a problem staying asleep. I know that everyone is commenting on taking natural sleep aids but I have to add what works for me. I have a prescription for Zolphidem 10MG that I cut into thirds for a dose of 3mg. his is just enough to let me sleep through the night. I do not take this every night, only when I am having trouble sleeping. I am not addicted.

February 21
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

I've read magnesium helps relax the body and it helps with all sorts of other things when I start feeling run down though I know I'm low. But it does say it can be taken to help sleep. But best to check with Dr first just Incase it's one of those vitamins that can't be taken when on chemo etc. Also I've taken OTC but behind the counter at CVS they will say they don't have behind the counter but they do. Or unless they're actually out lol
but they are motion sickness pills. small white bottle with orange label if you get the white longer pills they will knock you will wake up without feeling tired or drained but small orange pills will keep you awake I used it for nausea and dizziness it helped a lot. I'd get dizzy driving to work. So it help me. Again ask Dr just to be on safe side. Oh btw they cost about $5 and you do get a lot in the bottle. Hope it helps, oh I've also done listening to the rain and thunder videos on YouTube it reminded me of as a kid when the rain storms came It'd always put me to sleep within minutes. And there's also just plain soft rain videos hope one of these things will help you. 🤞🏽😊👋🏽

February 21
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Frozen cherries work for me. 3/4 cup

February 20

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